Monday, July 8, 2013

hornin' in

Noticed a couple of leaves missing on one of my pepper plants yesterday...lots more gone this morning. Found 2 beefy hornworms munching away.  Harvested 30 peppers for myself...and 2 horn worms for Carl and the girls.  Chickens go nuts over hornworms. 86,101,70,0,B,.72


  1. Oh my gosh! Those turn into sphinx moths! 2 less sphinx moths in this world (sigh).

  2. The peppers look good & it's good your chickens get something different now & then...

  3. John: It's a rare find to have a chicken with an allergic reaction from eating an "early" sphinx moth (Manduca quinquemaculata). On the other hand, have you ever eaten a mature tomato hornworm? They taste surprisingly a lot like chicken! Also, rumor has it that if you cultivate a large number of tomato hornworms, they will help control your greenhouse white fly problem. Been work'n that compost pile all day!!

  4. john,these bad horned worms turn into the most wonderful moth.
    the hummingbird moth better than those peppers.
    peppers on the way,lol kenneth

  5. Love your blog. I've learned so many interesting things.
