Thursday, July 11, 2013

my first fresh figs

Just so happens I looked online yesterday to figure out when figs are ready to pick.  Seems some of mine are at that point so I picked 3 and ate them for breakfast.  They were really good.  54 years old and I finally had a fig that wasn't in a Newton.  88,103,71,0,B,.11


  1. That's one tree we haven't planted - I wonder why not LOL

    Bon appetite :)

  2. I use to walk the side road in Venice, CA and swipe Figs growing off the walls. Soo good

  3. Fresh figs are so much tastier than Fig Newtons. I think I was about that same age when I first had one. I also just recently realized how great Key Lime pie is!

  4. Welcome to the fresh fig club! They ARE good, aren't they? As always, enjoying your blog.

  5. Grew up with fig trees in our yard. Daddy hated having to mow around them, mom loved perserving them and us kids loved picking them right off the tree to eat.

  6. Now that you've mastered growing figs, you should try growing newtons.

  7. The only thing better is a medjool..right now, I'm like day 29 into the mango festival..a tree ripened zill is hard to beat out of hand. Pineapples and key limes are turning color......
