Saturday, November 9, 2013


A little field work with Ben today.  He has mastered the "whoa"'s the only one he really likes so far.  Hope he remembers "stop" when he finally gets the hang of "go".

Been thinking about getting some Field Lab critter audio to offer up as free ringtones for folks with cell phones.  Did an experiment today with some audio of Carl.  Took awhile to figure out how to capture and edit the sound file and actually be able to post it on the blog.  52,67,41,0,B,0


  1. Love seeing Ben, one command accomplished! Love the idea of ringtones, didn't get to hear it yet, later today when hubby is not around, he grew up on the farm.

    Picked 4 rows of dried beans out of the garden, still have spinach & peas growing, covered with leaves & straw.

    Glad to hear you got some rain.

  2. Ben looks so handsome with his blue blanket on against that beautiful west texas blue sky.

  3. First thing that came to mind was Alex Karras as "Mongo" riding the bull in Blazing Saddles.
