Wednesday, January 1, 2014

new years day kiting

Started the new year by walking my driveway with the paramotor on my back this morning.  My instructor suggested that I do this a couple times a day to get used to it and train some unused muscles.  Just had to break the paraglider out of the bag this afternoon.  Very light wind and I didn't have it hooked to the harness so there was no chance of getting dragged by a gust.  Pretty amazing how much lift this thing has even in the slightest breeze.  Keeping it stable in the air is not as easy as it looked in all the videos I have watched.  Getting the hang of this is the secret to successful launches.  48,63,30,0,C,0

2013 was a very good year for rain at The Field Lab.  Grand total for last year was 11.81" - the most I have seen in a year since moving here. 


  1. Happy New Year John. I'm glad to see that even though your eyes are to the sky you're keeping your feet on the ground until your trainer gets there. That was a good rain total for the year, I know you want the rain but you may have broken the vortex.

  2. I have never handled a wing type 'chute, I have handled some round 'chutes up to 28' on the ground. It is surprising how much even a light breeze can effect them. Though I don't mind flying in aircraft, I climb small radio towers, in the last twenty years or so I have become terrified of heights. I have to fight my fear to climb anymore. I doubt I could do the PPG flight. I look forward to your videos of your experiences.

  3. not trying to discourage you from doing what you want to do but check this out. Ft.Lauderdale back a few years.Not the first incident of this but this time caught on video
    I've seen guys here on the river picked up instantly 100 feet in the air and thrown the length of a football field.Same principal as you're attempting.Do NOT try to bend the rules !

  4. Rev JLB...thanks for the warning but that video has about as much to do with flying a PPG as this one does for someone about to learn to ride motorcycles.
