Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Jimmy'n'Joe Show

My friends and frequent visitors Jimmy and Joe showed up today on their death trap dirt bikes and checked out my new statistically safer than a motorcycle flying machine.  55.70,32,0,C,0


  1. John, how about some pix of Jim/Joes "death traps?"

    When you are up at the top of a thermal in your ppg, can you turn off the engine for peace and quiet? It would seem logical.

    Ron Wells

  2. I'm guessing you fly the sail before you start the engine, so you won't foul the lines in the prop. Good luck, too dangerous for me. Ultralight, maybe. Why is the contrast so bad in the verification picture?

  3. We're going to lose you John. Once you've soared with the eagles the earthbound will lose their allure.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Yes motorcycles are a bit dangerous, that's why Joe and I look like Robocops when we ride. Kudos to you for trying a new sport. I guess the risks we are used to are the ones we take. Joe and I want to be there on the ground with our binoculars to watch the first take off.

  6. I figured out a long time ago that some people are just "leaners". Those folks tend to embrace flying, sailing, or motorcycle riding, because all of those activities require leaning. Seems like It's common to find people who do all three.

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