Saturday, February 8, 2014

the learning curve

The pros make all aspects of powered paragliding look really easy.  So far this is all I have mastered.  I am really good at crashing the paraglider into a tangled wad...and it only takes me a few seconds.  56,76,27,0,B


  1. Dude..I was just looking at your photo and was thinking you need some roller blades with off road tires !

  2. Once you get good a kiting the wing, the rest should come pretty easily.

  3. Lookin' good though, Bud!

  4. is Ben "steering" the camera or is Dennis Hopper directing? time to check out helmet cam… fore & aft? was the color selection based on the blogger comment page chroma spectrum, allegiance to a certain Mile High football team, some other preference or randomness?
    at any rate, it appears airtime is not far off… hope it is intentional - watch those Spring gusts.

  5. LOL thought the instructor said to leave your new toys in the box.
