Monday, February 3, 2014

Where hamburgers come from...



  1. Mighty fine looking meat. Have the right equipment helps. If you are going to process meat you have to know the how to & there for steps of getting everything you can. I love seeing Mr. Cain.....well I'd like seeing more of both Mr. & Mrs. Cain.

  2. That is the most magnificent chapeau Mr. Cain's wearing.

  3. Where do the Cain's keep all that meat? Bonnie going to do a marathon canning thing. No electricity means no refridgeration.

  4. John, just saw you on the program " Living on the Edge ". Cool showing. I enjoyed it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Have done similar in middle of winter in TX using a come along attached to a hook on the beam at the open side of a barn. Good time to butcher in the dead of winter. Less flies, less pressure to work quickly. Steam rises from the warm flesh. Gives you a new respect for what goes on out in the country to feed those masses in the city, blissfully unaware and with little respect for them. God made the farmer they say.

  7. It ain't pretty. Bless you John, the wife and I debate every week or so when we will call the city life quits. Not easy what you have done. Bless you for sharing it with us all still doing the rat race.

  8. The Cains have a propane fridge and freezer.

  9. Nothing like a little rendering of flesh to make your day :)

  10. How about a picture of the live, breathing animal before it is killed? And then one of the actual bolt being driven into the head, or throat slit, or however the animal's life is taken. Without those, your tableaux is incomplete, John. People need to see the full sequence.

  11. I skipped viewing the kill, gutting and skinning - still need a few degrees of separation between me and my meat. Most of Dick's livestock are friends of mine.

  12. Well heck YouTube pulled the video of Benjamens visit to your place.

  13. Makes me hungry!
    Will- just got back all my Kubota's from the shop!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. If you have to read Basic Butchering, then maybe you should be starting out with just one cow, and a real meat saw would be helpful.
