Monday, April 14, 2014

cloud suck...



  1. Very interesting story. Let's not do that. OK?

  2. Have started investigating buying some property out your way, and stumbled across your blog. Just finished reading it all from the very beginning, and a quote from (I believe) Teddy Roosevelt popped into my head. “Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” Your journey of the last few years is inspiring, and I really hope to meet you in person one day. Thanks for sharing your experiences!

    (P.S. Just curious - was Carl a Dominique, or maybe a Holland? I was just looking at them on The Livestock Conservancy website yesterday)

  3. Another thing to consider when flying in the vicinity of thunderstorms – lightening can radiate up to 20 miles from the center of the cell. A firm understanding of weather is vitally important to safe flying. Looking forward to your GoPro footage.

  4. Nothing wrong with a little luck aye?

  5. Gota go to work and save the world again will finish watching this later and thank you for posting this!


  6. Carl was a Barred Rock, also known as a Plymouth Rock or just simply a Rock. This breed has some Dominique in it.

  7. As far as my flying goes - I WON'T be flying if there is even a hint of a storm. The incident in the video involved paragliders looking for lift during a competition. I don't intend to compete and I wear my lift on my back.

  8. Wow, WOW, WOW, amazing video.

    Thanks for sharing.
