Tuesday, May 27, 2014

3rd move...

Opened up the south door on the greenhouse for the first time in over a year.  The chicks graduated to the grownup pen this morning.  They got the whole day to get used to their new home.  Tonight the hens will join them.   I think they are big enough now to withstand some pecking order training from the older girls.  93,100,65,0,B


  1. What breed are your new chickens?

  2. We have an acclimation pen we put in the big pen for a few days to give the older birds a chance to peck some scratch with the newbies. It seems to work.

    When we tried without the pen, we had one hen that would peck the new ones so hard they would be dazed...

  3. I got one buff orpington and 3 white leghorns.
