Wednesday, May 14, 2014

To Tell The Truth



  1. The equivalent of 13 Benghazi's happened under Bush's watch. Where's the outrage over all those US foreign service people that were killed? Looks to me more like GOP political theater in your YouTube clip, John. The following link details the individual attacks and all US citizens that were killed in each attack. How about we start there before we hear any more hot air from the GOP.

  2. Bush is 6 years out of office... steevy... If OleBamy and the leftists(dems) had anything, Bush and Cheney would have been strung and hung... Please remember the leftists(dems) had full control of Senate, House, and Presidency, and could have done just as you wished Steevy, but they passed... Benghazi is Obama's and Clinton's current failure...

  3. Politics!
    Between Bush & Obama nothing substantial changed.

    Minor things,enough minor things to let everybody point fingers at the other guy. Just like the remarks here.

    Nothing substantial changed.... I wonder who is calling the shots while everybody argues over the distraction.

    Please carry on with the distraction....

    1. They are two sides of the same coin. And that coin ain't worth a plug nickel.

  4. bush did it ???
    is that the only answer obamas got ?

    and just to point out one fact

    neither obama or hillary were there to take the 3 am phone call ,,,,,,,,

  5. not only Bush, under Reagan - remember Beirut and IranContra and under Clinton the Cole and Blackhawk down, and then Abu grieve ?

    the point is that there is a double standard in play where prior POTUS had similar problems and no one claimed conspiracy.

    but under the POTUS - a different standard in effect.

    The CIA posts people in an area and the only connection the CIA has to the State Dept is they use it as a place to operate from but it's ops are it's own business.

    The CIA KNEW there were armed militia in the area and they had been threatened just like the Brits and Red Cross had been and they both left but the CIA stayed.

    it was a messed up operation but really no different that prior POTUSs but now the standard is different for some reason.

    In fact, this is the same CIA that ran a kidnap and torture operation under BUsh - and Bush WAS involved with it and never held to account.

    the whole "inquiry" is just bogus politics.

    and its apparent that John here, has some issues with politics and religion these days beyond his "field lab".

    that's fine, it's is blog, but folks who read him can also comment.

    some folks started out reading Johns blog - precisely because it did not have a religious or political message... it was refreshing just to share John's experiences.

    Sorry John, you've been co-opted by the GOP propaganda on this.

  6. the sun must be really strong out there................

  7. A brilliant excoriation of the US media. Unfortunately, reserved for just this one bit of corruption.

  8. Thank you John Wells - for giving us Trey Gowdy's comments on Bengazi. The House Speaker certainly chose the right man to lead the Select Committee on this badly needed investigation. This experienced investigator - will lead the Select Committee to the answers - that have gone unanswered for too long.

    As for the need - ask the loved ones of four dead Americans -

    "What difference does it make?"

  9. My initial post was to simply highlight the apparent double standard surrounding the outrage over Benghazi vs. fairly recent prior attacks on US foreign service facilities and people.

    Allso Mad: I intentionally did NOT comment on Bush, nor did I imply any sort of comparison between Bush or Obama and their respective policies. I'm left disappointed by attitudes and comments such as yours, who would rather make personal attacks than really look at the core issues. Your sophomoric view of the current landscape and your dislike/distrust of anyone who doesn't think like you in your small world is telling and sadly pathetic. I mean, really? Schoolyard name calling? Just, wow.

  10. I like his ever-changing hair doos..

  11. What difference does it make anyway?

  12. Hold the phone...didn't Trey Gowdy vote for cutting embassy security? And haven't some of these burning questions been answered? Such as, on "why were we even IN Benghazi"? Secretary of State Clinton answered this question before Congress thusly: the U.S. was in Benghazi as part of an effort to stabilize the Libyan government, and that while she was aware of the security issues and risks, the U.S. operates in MANY DANGEROUS places around the world and security professionals did not recommend pulling out of Benghazi. But, my biggest impression on watching Mr. Gowdy is - this fellow is so far from being impartial, how can this investigation be anything but agenda-driven? Do we really want our dollars spent to further the election of GOP candidates? I guess half of us do, eh?

  13. @pamit: Exactly! It smacks of political theater driven by an agenda.

  14. TO: John and all who have commented.
    Come on folks! The focus of this blog was to follow the experiences of living off the grid.

    Shame on turning this into just another 'political bashing'!

    "The Field Lab" deserves better!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Sorry Gene but I have to call you out
    for your agenda driven field lab theater. What does it matter ? It's been John's personal soap box for a very long time now. Nothing against John, it's his blog.

  17. What Rev. Jimmyleebob and others have said about this issue was largely ignored by the Obama supporters. But no one has repealed John Well's or our Bill of Rights to Free Speech.

    The loved ones of the fallen four - DESERVE THE TRUTH -
    and Trey Gowdy is the man to get it for them - and all Americans.

    If Obama and Clinton didn't violate American law - they don't have anything to worry about. But if they did engineer a Bengazi cover up - then they have plenty to worry about!

  18. Actually I believe Chris Stevens family has publicly stated they are satisfied with the results of the *multiple* investigations that have already occurred.

  19. They got the truth .We dropped the ball on that now it's time to fix it and try to see it doesn't happen again.Freedom is not free so we might have to spend a little more on security .I think congress dropped that ball !

  20. Hard to believe we're still talking about Benghazi and not the dozen or so other similar incidents that happened under Bush.

  21. If Republicans think that investigating Benghazi over and over, like voting to repeal Obamacare over and over, is a winner for them, then they should pursue it for as long as they like. It will only serve to more clearly identify them as a party that never does anything useful.

  22. I think you are right @WhyR. They don't have much of substance, but sadly they know their base and this gets them to vote.

  23. Boy John, you are such a troublemaker :) Face it folks, you are only going to get answers that the gov't wants to give you. Rob is right, it is just a distraction. Country is split 50/50. We lost it all when they found out we were gullible enough to accept the one magic bullet theory and Kennedy.

    We have been numbed down to petty bickering,not that the loss of life is petty.

    Enjoy the ride and be glad your in a country that you still have some rights for now.

  24. re: " Come on folks! The focus of this blog was to follow the experiences of living off the grid."

    indeed and I was quite happy when John's post were not about politics and religion!

    We lost how many lives in Iraq over a lie and tortured how many in Abu Grieve and kidnapped how many for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and stored them in Gitmo... and

    how many "investigations" did we have?

    4 dead? how about 4486 in Iraq and "what does it matter"?

    this is just over-the-top partisan blather.. folks.

    bad stuff happens.. it's the way the world is...

    and it's curious that those who "got religion" also got partisan.

  25. @pamit: True enough, and the Republican base seems to turn out to vote very reliably. But it's the Democrats' job to get THEIR base to the polls, and wretched Republican excesses like benghaziBenghaziBENGHAZI!! should help. It's another wonderful illustration of the flight from reality of the R's, like the 40 plus time-wasting votes to repeal Obamacare that were never going to succeed. Reality-based people will look at this and more clearly realize what they need to do in November.
    Reality is all we have, but it's enough.

  26. actually I'm at a loss in understanding the GOP these days.

    they have moved so far to the right that even people like Reagan would be considered a "squish".

    are the American people really this conservative? We're gonna find out.

  27. Come on John. Leave the politics. It's all bullshit. There's a lot more truth in the desert. Steve C.

  28. Excellent post, John. Lots of unanswered questions, aren't there?

    I believe the truth matters and we should keep demanding it.

  29. John-
    I like your guns, I like your religion, I like your politics, and
    I especially like your new flying machine. You rock!

  30. Want to know the difference between the attacks under Bush's watch and Obama's. A cover up. The Press (MSM) held Bush to account why not Obama? Because like some of you they to are blinded by their ideology. If the truth would have been told from the start I to would be saying move on fix the problems so there will be no repeat. Yet there's a small matter of the COVER UP. We as American citizens deserve and should demand the truth from all our elected Representative's and Government Employee's. Oh, did I Say COVER UP?

  31. There are plenty of blogs about politics. There are plenty more about religion. This used to be a blog about living naturally in the west Texas desert.

  32. Have to love Gowdy. If anyone can get to the bottom of this he can and will.

  33. re: The Press (MSM) held Bush to account why not Obama?"

    How many Congressional hearings were held for the 13 attacks on US embassies under Bush?

  34. Well Larry G it's apparent you have been turned over to a "political reprobate mind". I realize I am only wearing out the key board with you because with your reprobate mind you will never see the truth, as many wont after the Rapture. It's not that the attacks happened. It is the lies and cover up. Oh and Bush did it.

  35. John,

    Keep the faith like I know you will. Love the blog. I'm sure your just as amazed as I am how many LIBERAL mined individuals hate any mention of religion or a conservative view. These people foam at the mouth and fall back on the tired and lame excuse that it is someone else's fault. The bible speaks of this in II Timothy 4:2-5. It saddens me that so many have fallen to the dark side and cannot see the truth.

    Isaiah 26:3

  36. re: " It is the lies and cover up. Oh and Bush did it. "

    you mean like Abu Grieve, kidnap and torture and waterboarding and holding people incognito - later released because they were innocent?

    it's a total double standard and you know it. it's dishonest and totally partisan.

    how many Congressional inquiries have already occurred - and it goes on and how many like that occurred for Abu Grieve?

    your problem fella is yourself and folks like you who are predisposed without regard to facts and realities and really, just plain truth.

    bad stuff happens. It happened under Reagan, Clinton and both Bushes.. - and you know this also.

    It's a problem when you use different standards for different POTUS and primarily just the ones you don't like.

    "political reprobate mind" indeed.

  37. re: and it's curious that those who "got religion" also got partisan.

    Larry, Larry , Larry. The sad truth is that those like you who reside on the dark side without any belief in a higher authority (God)are the ones that forego clear thinking. Please take a step back and try to make any future decisions based on Logic, Facts and Reason. If you can do this, I believe you will see the errors and lies associated with your liberal progressive thinking.
    You are correct, bad things happen under every presidential administration. The problem is liberal minded people like yourself, are the first to cry foul because they know the majority of America does not accept your way of thinking at this moment in time. Yes we are sliding down the slope head first into the cesspool of progressive thought, but we have not gotten there as of yet. Bible thumpers like myself will continue to fight against you and the dark side. Just remember one thing, I have read the book and know how it ends and I have accepted the truths written throughout as gospel. I sir have no worry's about my future or life after death. Can you say the same?

    So please stop trying to blame every Republication, conservative, Christian, Bush, Reagan, etc. for the issues this current administration and his minions have gotten us into.

  38. Dwight - you don't me from Adam fella.

    I don't blame the GOP or BUsh - I just point out the double standard wackos use and then on top of that mix in religion.

    "bible thumpers" problem is they are subjectively moralistic and often have double standards...

    I have voted GOP more than once guy and I am a fiscal conservative but I'm not what you are by any stretch of the imagination.

    I judge ANY POTUS on the same standards.. and this stuff going on now is grade A partisan blather with a religion chaser.

    the worst scourge to mankind is man-created religion...

  39. Whatever your politics are you might appreciate the justifiable criticism the man gave the media. CNN just makes me want to puke after the 24/7/365 airliner story and now Donald Sterling and the in depth round table discussions of a senile 80 yr old jackass making a fool of himself. These programs are a joke and the media is a pathetic joke.

  40. John- you know very well what's going to happen whenever you get political.
    Now admit it, you just wanted to juice up the visit count.
    And it worked, too.

  41. Any of you interested in a different slant on media's take on Benghazi might like to listen to the No Agenda show at I hope it's not inappropriate to share a link like this on the blog.
