Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Freak Lab

Well...I have known about this for quite sometime now and it is time to share the news.  I have a Gynandromorph and a Cryptorchid in residence here.  My hen Mary Lou has grown spurs and does her version of crowing every morning - yet still lays eggs.  Bud's neutering was botched - he has one testicle up inside and he has been exhibiting aggressive behavior for months now.  The hen I can deal with but I think Bud is going to get traded.  95,103,66,0,B


  1. Sorry to hear about Bub, you've done what you can, peace is necessary to you and yours

  2. Hey Dude !...no worries..it's all good in Obama world

  3. God doesn't make mistakes. Nothing is ever perfect. I am so sorry to learn about Bud. It is what it is. Difficulties make us better and stronger. (Maybe mermaids? came from cybrids). I just learned about cameras and allophenes. Maybe having mild scoliosis or double jointed (like great ballet people) means we have better body movement. God knows what he wants for his universe and I am so grateful for his grace and mercy.

  4. sorry, that's chimaera brain-sex. :-)

  5. will Ben get a new friend? He won't be out there alone huh?

  6. I have a cat that is a Cryptorchid, he is definately a lover, not a fighter.

  7. Well, maybe you can follow the Texas Republican's new platform they just put into place last weekend in Ft. Worth, and force both to undergo Reparative Therapy.

  8. Can't they do it again? They can neuter horses that have this problem.
