Sunday, June 29, 2014

Where are you going?


  1. The Homily (sermon) at Mass today by our Pastor was entitled "Quo Vadis" or Where are you going? It was about Peter meeting Jesus carrying his Cross and heading to Rome when Peter was headed out of Rome because he was being chased out or die. Upon seeing the vision of Jesus and hearing his answer Peter turned around and went back to his death thru Crucifixion. He finally understood where he was heading, to Jesus.

  2. From going to various denominational services on Saturday and Sunday (maybe three a weekend) and on t,v., I noticed they all had the same basic theme. One service a weekend will do. For religious reading for me, I find the Bible to be the book I understand and prefer for my American culture. I also notice there don't seem to be as many services on tv unless I Channel serf the lesser stations. I value the Bible as my favorite literature because for me it has been a guide for life and living. It was brilliantly written by the best scholars over time.

  3. his words flow like the truth. easy and natural. a true believer, I think
