Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Deconstructing Dreams



  1. fascinating video! Makes one realize the substantial labor and specialized construction!

    Methinks if Mr. Well intends to re-do the inside, he won't be bored!

  2. It appears to be "marketing a dream" that includes a real live Barbie Doll.

  3. Impressive video. I learned. I guess my father didn't have an I.Q. Of 165 for nothing when he got his Airstream. I wonder if you can get some of your replacement parts from the company. Also if you can clean up any rust or whatever from your frame, etc. I wonder if the rubber they used in the construction is still holding up. Looks like you have a prize in the making.

  4. JW - Are you going to go back with a stock interior or something of a more custom design?

  5. Still not sure what will happen with this project but I know I don't want to go back to the stock was REALLY ugly.

  6. loved the video. the chick in the bikini was hilarious. hope you're able to find durable yet lightweight material for refurbishing.

  7. " I know I don't want to go back to the stock was REALLY ugly."

    Amen, the interiors of those gorgeous things were hideous. Can't wait to see what you do with it. I like your aesthetic - it's...I dunno, how do you say....crisp!

    [Although I wish you would maybe try harder to keep all the stylin' oeuvres you've built out there tidy all the time and not just when filmmakers come to visit.]

  8. looking at the video - they use a jig and vacuum forming machine to make the interior walls...

    looking at the stripped interior of Johns Airstream, it looks like the vacuum formed walls are glued in which probably means you're not going to be able to re-use walls out of "parts" Airstreams...

    it would intimidate me but Mr. Well is pretty capable so we'll see!

  9. Funny they can make the Airstream so tight they'll float but can't make the interior equally as durable.
