Saturday, August 2, 2014


75,102,71, .74",B


  1. amazing what 3/4" of rain does in the desert

  2. Me thinks you need another rain barrel, waste not want not;)

  3. Dang! you've got some water! Congrats.

  4. that's IMPRESSIVE! so before you were talking about how many days of stored water you had left.

    Does this totally fill you up and when you are full -how many days do you have stored?

  5. I need about 8" of rain to fill all my catchment tanks. Since we never get 8" all at once, I have yet to be full to capacity (21,000 gallons).

  6. Good picture of the flooded desert I heard about.

  7. What's the purpose of the concrete dam thingy? Something more to come?

  8. Having land in TR, I am glad to see my land is getting the rain it needed... YES YES

  9. Hi John... new follower and extremely interested in getting "off the grid" myself.

    I live in Central, Texas and the land south of us is a bit like the desert of West Texas. The northern edge of the Hill Country is rocky, hilly, has lots of cactus and snakes, oh, and it's dry and hot.

    I've been interested for years in building my own home out of natural materials, harvesting wind, sun and rain in this part of Texas and living simply off of the land.

    I noticed in a video of yours, you said you have a 21,000 gallon capacity for harvesting rainwater. Is there any way possible to harvest any of the massive runoff that rolls through your land? The one pic of the water rolling over your dam is amazing.

    Great blog you have here John. Lots of good and interesting articles and information for this lifestyle. It seems to be a very good source for what you and others are doing.

    Welcome to Texas and good luck on your sustainability studies and living!

    Stephan Marc Dubois
    The Impulsive Texan

  10. Glad you got some rain but glad it held off a few days during my visit to the area. Hope to be able to stop in to say "Hello" next time and visit the critters at the Field Lab.
