Saturday, September 20, 2014

screen capture

A couple of big/scary storms swooped down on us late last night.  As I was glued to the doppler radar, I decided to figure out how to record screen action while checking the direction of the storm path.  Most weather sites have a "past" and "future" button you can click to see the speed,direction, and intensity of the rain.  Did a quick search and within 10 minutes I had downloaded (free) and tested Microsoft Expressions Encoder4.  The tiny white dot in the center is the location of TFL relative to the storm path.  Here  is how to get it and set it up.  77,93,73, .24",B


  1. I was wondering how the "boys" do when those scary storms come - do they stay out and ignore the mayhem or do they go hide in their barn?

  2. The boys stay in the barn only when it rains really hard or if it is cold and cloudy.

  3. Yep, the radar showed that storm heading right at you. Too bad it can't be spread out over the year. You probably have all the water you can store by now.

  4. almost...I need about 2 1/2" of rain to top off all my tanks.

  5. off subject, but thought you'd like a look:
    hoosier rr
    Main & Gutenberg, on the oHIo
    you might need to paint the Toy red?
    (btw Ben & Bud, those green things are trees ;-))

  6. Water from above. What a blessing.
