Friday, October 10, 2014

porch appeal



  1. will be interesting to see if the 90˚ rotation affects your orientation… more under rack storage?

  2. You could actually raise the bed higher and gain lots of storage under the bed

  3. Lol I,m glad to see your rooster is still around and fussing over his residence. Marching to the beat of your own drum which is good. It is amazing that you share your life with us. But I have been thinking for some time that there is something wrong with me for being wrapped up here (and of looking at homes throughout the U.S.). But maybe not (my grandfather designed and built beautiful homes) and my grandmother took me on walks in the wealthy area and told me to look in the windows and see how the rich live. We can be rich on spirit. I should work here-uh oh did I say that. Well, good going John.

  4. raise bed - agree

    build a tool/gear shed - priceless...


  5. How's that Airstream project going?

  6. Elevating the bed is a convenient idea but then it would take you away from any coolness there might be near the floor.

  7. The Amish build their beautiful, well-insulated homes partly in hillsides. That way, the basements are warmer in winter (and with a wood stove) and cooler in summer (when they walk with bare feet on the cool concrete). The early settlers in Kansas on the plains built their sod homes partly in the ground on the lower part of the house for the same reasons.

  8. bunk bed with the lower part being a combo desk/fold-up bed.'

    have to think the way RV designers do!

    I like the idea of berms on the back side with solar roofs and storage space under them for equipment and wheeled things..

    A turbine vent on the Field Lab itself - high enough to pick up breezes coming over top of the solar shed roofs.

    John can do all of this but I sense John is thinking a bit about the direction of the future right now.

  9. was just doing my tropical check on your area. You've got some nice working weather there. I'm
    still waiting here

  10. I posted about raising the bed and then thought: We are advising someone that built an entire greenhouse by himself LOL

  11. I hadn't thought about the desk under an elevated bed, A great idea unless like one of the posters above said the heat might be an issue.

  12. We live in a 12 x 16 and we have to do that also, Put everything in the front yard to rearrange or spring clean. My husband didnt build built ins, we just stuffed lots of furniture in here. :) Guess thats why I find your place so fascinating.
