Thursday, November 20, 2014

a ton of food...

The boys love to see a trailer load of hay and alfalfa.  54,74,34,0,C


  1. How much food do the boys go through in a months time?

  2. Let's just say it is time for me to mint the 2014 edition of sterling silver coins for the Ben'n'Bud Food Fund.

  3. how much does the big round one cost?

    always wondered...

  4. The round bale of hay is $130 and goes in the barn so the boys can pick at it whenever they want - and will last about 3 months. The three string square bales of alfalfa are $24 each and get doled out a little at a time. One bale lasts 4 days. Next feed run I am going to buy a large half ton square bale of alfalfa at a much better bulk price.
