Monday, December 29, 2014


Doing something smart for those times when you do something stupid.  Thankfully I was current on my air medical transport insurance.  Well worth $65 per year.  50,64,34,0,C


  1. Dang, you certainly are lucky to have had insurance. That bill would have made me sick :(

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. can't wait to see the hospital bill!

  4. With bills like that - they must make the majority of their funds from the (soon to be poor) fellows that do not have $65 per year insurance? I wonder if they go up on their rates after a customer uses their service once - like automobile insurance providers?

  5. That's a lot of money....
    I wonder if you didn't have insurance would have used a helo?

  6. John,
    Thank you for the lead on this. I have been concerned about my sister while she is in Arizona half of every year. There's a service near enough to help if needed.

    I'll be talking to her about it tomorrow.

  7. John, Jana and I enjoyed meeting you, Bud and Ben today. We appreciate you sharing a little bit of time with us and we hope for your speedy recovery.

    We were both impressed with you slice of heaven in the Big Bend area of Texas. Looks like you have things figured out pretty well.

    Take care, be safe.
    Steve and Jana

  8. Good thinking & good planning John. What kind of medical insurance do you have?

  9. Gonna check mine out again. I thought I bought lifetime.

  10. did you take note of how many times a day the copter buzzed out & in to the hospital while you were there?
    I'm not a stats whiz, but if one person a day used the helo insurance, I'd think you would need a pool of a quarter million policy holders + to cover the 365 users/year…and I don't think they do it to break even.
    In other words, glad you had the coverage and hope they actually cover you, but don't see how this is sustainable either.
    At least it was a fairly straight forward invoice - the following bills should be eye openers & tormenters.

  11. Thanks for the lead to that insurance. We travel a lot and sometimes are in the middle of nowhere. At our age, you just never know. That is a great price for each of us to have this kind of coverage. Hopefully never have to need it.

  12. on their website they say this:

    "We will work on your behalf with your benefits provider to secure payment for your medical evacuation. Whatever your benefits provider pays for your emergency air ambulance services will be considered payment-in-full for your medical evacuation."

  13. 46 grand, they are certainly proud of their service

  14. these companies also contract with hospitals and other institutions to be an "on-call" service...

    they're essentially privatized air ambulances...for hire.

    I might add - in our section of the country - the EMS/Rescue folks BILL the folks they carry to the hospital - but then they say - they will accept whatever the provider pays and if it's nothing - that's okay also

    It's called "Compassionate Billing" but at least in our area - costs not covered by insurance are covered by taxpayers.

  15. That's a pretty high air fair. Just think, without insurance you'd be pretty screwed.

  16. Yep, those costs are highly inflated. But, when people say medicine is so much better as a "free market" enterprise, they have no right to complain about the costs. With no price controls, the free market will always go with the highest price the market will bear.

    Now imagine the person who makes $50K per year, has virtually no savings, and lives paycheck to paycheck like most Americans. That ATV accident (or any serious accident) would likely render them homeless within 12 mos. I guess we can just tell them to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps." Yeah, right.

  17. Medical related costs are worse than a runaway train on a crash course. So hard to believe this can be happening; yet facts are facts. As MsBelinda implies also: It makes me sick; so sick, in fact, I'm worried sick that I'll get sick enough to require medical help. This bill is a crime and a sin!!!

  18. . . . here in Scandinavia we are appalled.
