Thursday, January 15, 2015

according to plan

Had a good visit with the mastermind behind my new leg hardware.  He was pleased with how things looked down there which was reassuring to hear.  (Here is a simulation of a procedure similar to mine.) He even made a new fiberglass splint for me since I hate the boot the last doctor switched me to.  I go back in one month for the next an xray...and hopefully a go ahead on some weight bearing.  48,57,33,0,B


  1. Looks simple enough.

    ............... ;-)

  2. Good to hear you're getting there.

  3. Well, yes. Your actual x-Ray looked better than the simulation. Because in your actual picture I did not see all the splintered bone where the bone was supposed to have penetrated the skin. That takes some muscle to do all that bone work. And amazing how the nail can go down so perfectly. You'll have to show us the fiberglass and how it works. Looks like you have a good surgeon. I had a rear fender bender a few months ago because of road construction and a big tire in the road. I have never seen such incompetence on the part of everyone (insurance cos. and billing places). I am dumbfounded. Oh yes,I am covered but....miscommunication,etc. it was not my fault either. I was just driving along having a good day and then -bam.

  4. I went to the top level luxury gym today in San antonio and everything worked. I saw a nice handicap stall. And there was t.v. on everywhere (not that that is so good for me). And there was a complimentary USA Today paper along with coffee or green tea. I finished and went out to my SUV and two men were about to steal it. I am getting a Club again. Auto thefts are on the rise now in the better areas.

  5. Yuk!! and Ouch!! Hope you mend really fast.

  6. Thanks for fixin' our buddy Doc! You're #1.

  7. That the good Doctor can do what he has to do to the flesh and bone of a sentient (probably unconscious) human being and do it well, without passing out himself, is one of life's miracles. What an incredible blessing to have competent workmen like this around.

  8. Rather fascinating following your dilemma.Seems to be a new methodology concerning compound fractures. I was in the hospital a week with my leg draining before they put a cast on it and within an hour 2 girls came into the room with some crutches and said Doctor wants you to take a walk.I said tell Doc I'm taking the rest of the day off.They replied Doctor will be mad. I told them don't waste Doctor's time. Maybe his time would be better spent playing tennis. The next day he shows up and starts explaining what a bad patient I am and in the military ( boot break was common) they learned that the quicker you put weight on it the better. In case you're interested you can get an official Mad Max leg brace and leather jacket on ebay. I suggest ATF form 4 and 200 bucks before sawing off the shotgun....

  9. Sounds like all is progressing well in the recovery process. Hope it continues well.

  10. Man ... that simulation was difficult to watch ... had to squint!

  11. I thought the idea of the "guide" rod was ingenious.. I bet they put that in then do an xray to make sure it's centered , then drive the big nail..

    and yes.. all this talk of "high tech" medicine.. I thought they'd use some kind of electric pneumatic hammer but nope.. just hardware...!!

    I'm betting that John was totally "under" .. when it was done...

    once again - the thought crossed my mind about just how lucky we are in the good old USA even if you live out in the boondocks..

    that kind of break in some other countries would be life-threatening or if you survived - crippled for life and crippled in other countries means an even harder life.

  12. Oh by the way if anyone visits San antonio, a new law was passed. It is a $500.00 fine if anyone is driving and talking on the cell phone unless it is 911 or hands free blue tooth. They want to pass the law in Comal County outside San Antonio too. I hope they do.

  13. Questions:
    1. This looks easy, but it's also done in the blind. How can the surgeon be certain that all the broken bits line up properly (are not offset) once the main pin is in place?

    2. The location of the fixing screw insert (threads?) in the pin is surely dependent upon the depth of the pin into the Tibia. Alignment might be easy to do with an index mark at the top of the pin, but isn't there some guesswork as to how far down the incision is made and screw is inserted to mate?

    3. There seems a potential for a bunch of bone fragments grinding around in there. I should think the incision would expose the entire break, allow the bits to be cleaned out, and then repaired.

    4. The Fibula in this example was not touched. Surely it's not expected to grow in place with such fracturing?

    5. Slicing the tendon laterally (better than transversely) still must weaken it. Does this tissue repair the incision?

  14. seems as tho the orthopod did it right, weight bearing will stimulate bone growth as well.......takes time old man

  15. Bob I did not know weight bearing stimulates bone growth. Makes sence. That's why the doctor told me to lift weights. So I am basically lazy sometimes and I do it one or two times a week. T.V. health show said we only have to exercise two and a half hours a week. When I got home from the gym and lifting the heavier weights again, I ached all over. I guess that means I am doing something. O.K. now. Well I swim too. Yes I am an older person but I think I am so much healthier than so many my age. But I feel I could do better.

  16. Then I walk fast a mile and use weight machines and bike. I never went when I was younger because I was too busy working but some of the younger girls are amazing. When people go into the gym they look frazzled and worried and when they leave the gym their heads are up and they walk with purpose and look happy.

  17. Yes, John, I just happened to think that maybe someday you could ask your doctor about your washing machine bike. That bike might be good for exercise. I don't know but that is a thought for the future. They say the bikes are better than the treadmills or just walking on the ground is better than a treadmill.

  18. I think you have it Margery... John should switch to a pedal-powered ATV!
