Wednesday, February 4, 2015


One of many reasons why I don't miss New York... 55,63,43,0,B


  1. I do not miss the minus temps at all....

  2. shhhhhhhhh ... better be quiet or you'll have everyone out there!

  3. Myself, I like the cold and snow and walking in it when I am bundled up properly. I love it. Surprisingly, though, in northern Michigan, even at age 33 while in my house before a blizzard, my bones deep down let me know what was coming. My family wanted me here in Texas. But there was always a happy smile on my face later even in Alaska while out racing my sled dogs. Such is life with osteo arthritis. Oh, and then I forgot the Bronchitis. But the cold kept any headaches away and cleared my brain and kept my skin looking younger (as opposed to sun) then. Now on the other hand, my DNA says I can't drink beer but science just said a component in beer keeps one from getting Alzheimer's. Oh, the choices. :-) Well, drinking is not an option for me.

  4. Yea rub it in. We got 33 inches on the 26th, and had a foot of snow just about every other day.

  5. No problem

  6. The best thing about Texas I love is the temperatures.

  7. Paddled the Rio Grande a few years back in the winter; The theory was that since it was so far south that even in December it would be a balmy trip.

    So much for theories... and frozen butts...


  8. It is damp and cold here, got down into the 40's overnight.
