Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Bigger is Better

In 2011, I bought a large fresnel lens from my friend Dan Rojas.  I tried some experiments and it worked well turning sand into glass, but it wasn't quite hot enough to do much with more than a few grams of sterling.  Contemplating buying his biggest lens for some real solar metal work.  The top photo shows the specs of the lens I bought and the bottom one shows the specs for the jumbo lens.  82,93,56,0,C


  1. Think hard Sweetie. Does this immobility have your mind playing games with your pocketbook? It's not like you've been hitting the QVC channel hard, but do you REALLY need this? Maybe so. We'll stay tuned.

  2. :-) Along the lines of my thinking the other day. Yep, it must get pretty hot out there. It was pretty hot here but now 130 homes have been lost 20 miles from me from the rain and 8 lives so far and several vehicles.

  3. Maybe 25 miles. Ten years ago I got lost in the hills at night and knew the infra-structure was bad and dangerous and did not go back. (Wimberly, TX)

  4. If one lens is good, then two are better. Maybe go for the full monty – buy 3 and a few mirrors. Then you'll be able to go directly from solid state to gas state while skipping the liquid state.

    An added bonus is that when the Jade Helm 15 and Obama crew roll into town, you can just point the mirrors at all those guys who are going to take over Texas, institute marshall law and take all your guns. Gotta cover all your bases, John. I hear preparation is everything.

  5. could a fresnel lens drive a steam turbine/generator?

  6. Steve,

    Still hanging with the Libtards, eh?


  7. Moe,

    Absolutely! How's the "prepping" going for you? Still hearing voices?

    Best regards,

  8. Steve,

    It's going great. I suppose you're still focused on GlowBall warming and LGBT, right?



  9. Moe, why so angry, buddy?

    Lemme guess...I bet you have a "wide stance," but are too ashamed to admit it, right?

    Either way, I'm sure it's your Tea Time, so I'll let you go.


  10. The liberal/conservative battle was constructed in such a way that neither side can ever win. Have you ever wondered how it is that the country is so evenly divided? The only winners are the ones that created the game.

  11. Steve,

    Sorry I touched a sore spot. I'll pray for you to find your way.



