Saturday, May 2, 2015

visitor day

Nick, Vic, Jon & Joe


  1. Whoa!! Jon (?) is handsome!!

  2. Wow, them Jersey cowboys are hard core. Down here we hang faux nads from our hitch receivers, they hang a dog from theirs.

  3. I bet a cold beer is extra good in a dry hot desert after a good days work.

  4. So are you going to be on one of the new reality shows?

  5. the cowboy with hat and sunglasses looks like he maybe be packing ?

  6. I asked Vic if he was was his cell phone holster. FYI about Jon and Joe...about 20 years ago I was looking for a studio assistant for my prop and set building business in Brooklyn. I had a friend named Aggie who attended Columbia University and had her put up flyers around campus for the open job position. Jon and Joe were attending Columbia at the time. Joe found one of my flyers and gave it to Jon. Jon came in for an interview and got the job on the spot. He worked for me for almost 2 years. While visiting, I asked him the question I drilled into him when he worked for me and he remembered the answer. "What is the easiest part of any job?"..."Showing up on time!"
