Thursday, June 4, 2015


What 0% chance of rain looked like today.  I find it hard to accept that the so called consensus of climate scientists can accurately predict man's effect on the atmosphere in the distant future when they can't even get a 10 day forecast right.  83,106,74, .14,B


  1. they screw up hurricanes also.. right?

    and tornadoes... snow storms... floods.. they're downright worthless.

  2. Those weathermen need to look outside more often.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Global temperatures, CO2 readings, ice pack depths and historical CO2 levels from ice cores are entirely different than the always fluid jet stream, high pressure systems, low pressure systems, dry lines and the variables inherent in an airmass. Or perhaps your weatherman is just a talking head who barely made it through meteorology school. It's a bit of a stretch to consider a weatherman a scientist. Thus, it's no wonder you get wet when they tell you to expect sunshine and a cloudless sky.

  5. I like to sit on the porch and watch it rain.

  6. …normally I take the position that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but this just seemed overboard in context, so…
    @ Steve - a scientist wanna-be that's wound a little too tight?
    Thus, can you say tool?

  7. The earth's atmosphere is incredibly thin. If you have doubts about our ability to change air quality in a closed system, there is a simple test you can try at home, if you have a garage. Simply close the garage door, start the engine of your car... how long are you confident you can't change the atmosphere? How long do you have?

  8. he, he You,re all so funny. I was thinking how pretty it looks there in the rain.

  9. nice house! do you have a ballpark sq.ft/$ construction cost from 2012? - interested in how it compared to convention methods. Modhouse
    and you have an Airstream project in the pipeline - something else you have in common with Mr. Wells.
    Wimberley was one of the places that got hit hard with the flooding… hope your off-grid house project survived that.

  10. Yesterdays forecast was partly cloudy today zero rain, no rain for next 4 days. Decided a good day to spray weeds. It looked pretty cloudy, but decided to start. Didn't get into it for more than 30 minutes and rain came down. Came in looked at weather and it still said no rain. You would think they could at least go outside and look at the weather. This was our local weather site.

    Frustrating that they can't get anything correct.

  11. I too like sitting on the porch when it rains and the more wild - the better!

    When thousands of scientists with substantial education and experience, around the world , reach consensus on something - whether it's cancer or earthquakes or climate - you have two choices 1. put stock in what they are saying - like you would anything else they've reached concurrence on or 2. - believe there is a global conspiracy.

    also - Climate is NOT weather... know the difference!

    also - there's a network of gov satellites "up there" that NOAA operates . It's my understanding that because of those satellites and the scientists that operate them, this country has among the best forecasting - in the world. by no means - perfect - but why would any of us set that standard for judging failure - for forecasting in the first place?

    There are dozens of models for hurricanes. None of the ever predict dead-on the path and some are way off - but the thing is - they are almost all generally correct about the general path and strength of the hurricane and we routinely evacuate great swaths of land that ends up untouched as the hurricane veers. Last I heard , no one was accusing the hurricane predictors of a conspiracy to doctor data and that the proof was that they caused unnecessary evacuations of large areas.

    the word "consensus" - does not mean perfection ... it means consensus.

  12. Let's see - the unpaved roads get muddy - but the plants and wildlife do need a drink every now and then. Especially in the bone dry Big Bend Desert! Be careful of what you wish for - you might get it! Just a few years ago, it got so dry, even much of the cactus died!

  13. I was curious - back east we put down several loads of gravel - the diameter of which can start out quite large if the soil really soaks water when wet. So you start out with large stones and layer on top smaller stones - and it seems to work well.

    that kind of thing does not work well on the soils near Terlingua. sorry if this is a dumb question.

  14. @remmij

    Why is it that so many people who seemingly lack the intellectual capacity to understand basic principles or positions immediately resort to name calling?

    Just curious.

  15. I wonder if the scientific consensus on climate change was that is was not happening would the same people be questioning that answer too?



  18. You can always find a web link to counter any position, there is probably one proving the earth is flat. 15 seconds of searching found this:

    Here is my personal opinion, which is worth nothing to pretty much anyone else.

    Since fossil fuels containing carbon are really the result of natural processes fueled by sunlight over millions of years, and a significant amount of those fossil fuels have been burned since the industrial revolution began, then what is happening would be similar at least to some extent, of getting millions of years worth of solar radiation in only a little over 200 years. That has to have an effect.

    Just my 2 cents, now worth a lot less than that.

  19. yes indeed - you KNOW when an article starts like this " Global warming alarmists and their allies in the liberal media have been caught doctoring " that is is an objective reporting.

    this is just another variant of the global conspiracy theory.

    this is who the author is:

    James M. Taylor


    B.A. from Dartmouth College.
    J.D. from Syracuse University College of Law where he was president of the local chapter of the Federalist Society and founder and editor-in-chief of the Federalist Voice.

    James Taylor is a Senior Fellow with the Heartland Institute and managing editor of the Heartland publication Environment & Climate News.

    Taylor previously served as a legal analyst for Defenders of Property Rights. He has also been an intern at the Cato Institute, and a member of the Federalist Society."

    does anyone think Mr Taylor is an objective commentator?

    who are the "alarmists" that have been "doctoring" and are they doing this on a worldwide basis?

    go to Popular Technology and tell me who is running that website and who the "investigative journalists" are?

    the folks that do not believe - consider lying just another tactic.

    I think it's funny we don't believe scientists - but we do believe the bible.. how would you know who is lying and who is telling the truth other than what you personally want to believe or not?

  20. you know - just a few years back the scientists told us that we had huge ozone holes that were caused by CFCs.

    and many of us believed them and started phasing out CFCs.

    was that also a conspiracy cooked up by "alarmists" doctoring data?

    how about cancer from cigarettes? do folks remember how the Cigarette makers launched similar tactics against the scientists who claimed that cigarettes caused cancer?

    lead in gasoline - remember that? same type of campaign against science from the industry.

    the current anti-climate science campaign is pretty much like those earlier anti-science campaigns where the industry got (usually conservative) proxies to go out and attack the science.

    nothing new except now the gullible now also rely on conspiracy theories when great numbers of scientists agree. If it's not 98% - what is the number?

    I do not know with absolute certainty - where we are head - no body does - and neither do the skeptics but why would you bet the farm than all of it is false and none of it is true? what take that gamble to start with?

  21. I've simplified the issue for myself; folks that believe the GlowBall warming tripe are not my kind of people. I also include Democrats in that listing.


  22. Simplification seems to be your strong suit.

  23. If it's consensus it isn't science.
    If it's science it isn't consensus.
    It's just a big guessing game for them.
    In the late 1800's the science community said they had discovered all there was to know about physics, and all that was left was to sort out some of the details. Boy, were they wrong.

  24. @ Stev
    it would be difficult to answer a question you must ask yourself multiple times a day… and I wouldn't want to deny you the thrill of self-revelation. Name calling wasn't my intent, just calling a spade a spade, or a troll a troll - fwiw, a curious tool is still a tool. Your claim of curiosity is dubious - more likely just a rhetorical device you have honed as you wander around various blogs attempting to demonstrate how insightful you think you are. Have a nice day in your basement reviewing climate data - look forward to your future reports. Maybe I just enjoy engaging in repartee with a fellow cretin - you know, it just gives me a sense of community. I'm on pins & needles awaiting your witty, rapier-like response.


  26. Steve,

    Made the list twice, huh?



  27. First it was global cooling, then global warming, now we'll just say climate change and cover both sides. I think that it will all be about money for them.

  28. First it was global cooling, then global warming, now we'll just say climate change and cover both sides. I think that it will all be about money for them.

  29. .......I have no idea if GW is a provable scientific concept or not ! I'm not a scientist , but , what I know for sure , is that , all those scientists who believe that GW is active will exploit the political system for every chance to press their beliefs . They will also do or say anything to subvert anyone who casts aspersions upon their theories in a public forum .
    .......Anytime there is an oil spill in today's world we just go nuts about how the world will end , IF it happens again ! Then , I think back to WW2 and all the Oil Spills that resulted from the German subs sinking all those Liberty ships in the Atlantic but we don't hear anything about the residual effects from those situations . So , maybe the world is better at rebuilding itself than we realize !

  30. re: " all those scientists who believe that GW is active will exploit the political system for every chance to press their beliefs "

    why would you think that? seriously? do you think that about scientists that research cancer or genetics or tsunami's or disease?

  31. I once lived at the bottom of Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, Alaska (where I hear my neighbors are visiting now). And the glacier kept slowly melting and the lake kept getting slowly bigger (area not especially good for a big walker with arthritis). Well that was supposed to have something to do with the ozone layer, trees being cut down in the Amazon in Brazil, and consequently warming (the same thing in Antartic melting). I could actually see the lake expanding year by year. The poles are changing too with changing weather patterns. In the past, Lake Superior froze and people traveled on the ice. Not anymore. In Ohio my grandparents traveled with horse and sled on snow. Not possible for last 100 years. When I was young it was 107 degrees every day in northern TX. Not so much anymore. And I was o.k. then without any air conditioning. It could be 75 today with sun and I desire air conditioning. I heard that thousands and thousands of years from now the ocean currents will change making New England and England unlivable and Africa will have the ideal climate (which used to have lush vegetation in Egypt and Iraq in Biblical times). And in millions and millions of years, since the sun and earth are moving closer, the sun and earth will collide. The end.

  32. .......Because GW has a unique political dimension that is exploited by the true believers because they understand that pure science is Not understandable by the Uneducated general public at large and creates a unique inertia that must be over come by a force beyond science .

  33. "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

    Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein."
    (Hebrews 13:8-9)

  34. Over time things can be charted out which helps in predicting I would guess. Closer events on a chart are harder to predict to an extent. Its hard for me to tell you what tomorrow will bring but by looking at a chart for the last 100 years I can tell you where I am next year it will be warm from May to September where I live :-)

  35. Someone got the memo.It's now called "Climate Change". It hasn't got as hot as predicted.That leads to a credibility problems. So now it's called climate change. I get it ! The thing I'm not so clear about, wasn't it scientist that invented CFCs ,dioxins, thalidomide,DDT,lead in the gas, the nuclear waste laying in stockpiles all around the country ,etc.? The list is almost endless, and all along the way telling me how wonderful it was going to make my life.Fast forwards a few years down the road it's WHOOPS ! Guess what ? Wasn't the general consensus at one time the earth was flat ? It was cutting edge science of the day.Here's what I'm sure about,100 %. I've been watching the waterline on my dock pilings for the last 37 years. The coon oysters and barnacles are in the same spot. You read the news and Florida is under water. My back door is 30 feet away from the water. Guess what ? In other news, a guy walked up to me the other day and made me an offer on my shack.He may be the new proud owner. Plan on getting a 4x4 sprinter,moving in it and escaping the impending flood. Headed west....
