Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Buy Now

Coins are finally ready.  
Please help yourself to the "Buy Now" button on the right...
88,95,72, .37",B


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi John,
    I just stumbled across your site and have been taking it all in. I love what you are doing, and once my kids get a little older, i would love to live 'off the grid'. This should give me about 10 years to prep! I just bought a coin, I love supporting people like yourself, who have a dream and make it come true!

  3. Beautiful coins John. I lose coins. Still thinking.

  4. Just bought my grandson his second coin. I made him a FL follower. He is 12. Had it sent directly to him. He is going to be so excited.

  5. awrighty. looking forward to my new coin to go with my previous purchase. Always happy to help out with the Ben and Bud Munch Fund.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.
