Friday, September 11, 2015

Black Friday + Special

I came across 40 half ounce rounds I had tucked away last year so they are up for grabs as the 2013 Benita version for the special price of ONLY $15 including domestic shipping.  This price is good until they sell out.


  1. Ok, I want to buy # 69 if this is still available. Please send pay pal link

  2. These Benita rounds do not have serial numbers. The three numbered edition ingots I posted about will only be available on Ebay. Ingot 1300Z auction will start Sunday. Ingot 13018 auction starts a week later. Ingot 13019 auction the week after that. I will post the link to the auctions on the blog when they go live.

  3. What ever happened to Crazy Eddie? I remember hearing those comercials on the radio when ever I was in the tri state area.


  5. Thanks,John. I didn't think to Google.

  6. I just ordered a coin, I originally bought one the first time they were offered.
    Hey John, any luck with finding a play pal for Ben?

  7. Thaks Zole...Waiting on a fence estimate for a bigger pen before I get another friend for Ben. He was a little out of it for the first week Bud was gone, but seems to have adjusted - plus he gets extra attention from me every day.

  8. Hi John, I've got a request. Could you put a pinch of Fieldlab dirt in with my coin?
    It is something I like to collect from different locations. I doubt that I'll ever make it
    out to visit so this is my next best choice. I know, weird. If too late that's ok.

  9. That's neat Zole about collecting dirt.

  10. Yea Margery, I've had people send me sand from their beach vacation.
    Usually from a beach I never went to.
