Friday, September 4, 2015


Been missing my weekly flyers in the mail since Alco went belly up.  Looks like there is a new player in town.  90,98,68,0,C

"Working at a neighborhood Shopko Hometown means the daily opportunity to provide exceptional, personalized customer service and quality merchandise."


  1. There was a Shopco in Marquette MI in 1972 or so. It was near our house and the only discount store for hundreds of miles around.

  2. not familiar with it but the circular looks WalMart - ish

  3. You know when I lived in San Angelo, TX, in the 50's and worked at the Chamber of Commerce (they hired me because they wanted a wholesome all-American girl image plus I was a qualified worker), business after business went bankrupt in San Angelo. This shocked me and made me wonder because from early America to the present, many of my family had had their own business and no one ever went bankrupt.
