Saturday, September 19, 2015

Palo Verde #1

My prize palo verde is still doing well and has grown about a foot this year in spite of being neglected.  It was just a sprout 4 1/2 years ago.  87,92,69,0,B


  1. I LOVE those trees. Took pictures of the one at the entrance of the RV park down in Lajitas this past June. Totally captivated me. I believe the landscaping person at the resort responded that it was a Retama tree which is in the paloverde family. I love the lime green color and textures, so feathery looking, but don't overlook those BIG thorns. After researching it, i figured i wouldn't see one again until my next trip out there. Come to find out, there are 2 on a restaurant's property around the corner from my office here in Houston. They're just babies like yours, and I don't know if I'll get to see them get much bigger (surprised they're even growing here), but it's nice to have them nearby to appreciate.

  2. Obviously, this meaning so much to you, it was destined to survive your own trials and tribulations of the past year. Glad it has survived and the memory of where it comes from stays at the Field Lab
