Monday, September 14, 2015

silver sold

Had a break in the day from prepping coins.  New friends Carl and Donna from northern Arizona stopped by for the Field Lab tour...and a chance to grab Ben's horn.

All the coins are sold out now which is just as well since I am ready for a break from silver.  The first of the last ingots auction is live now and there will be two more in the following weeks.  Thank you to everyone that supported the effort.  The current orders will begin shipping Wednesday in the order they were received.  (Zole - I will include a pinch of dirt with your coin!) 89,94,64,0,B


  1. I hear N. AZ is a good place to go. A girl here worked so hard as a waitress to be able to get a truck and small trailer to go there to get some land. Her dream plan. I liked Kingman, AZ, for a day. But when I opened my pickup truck in the morning, the men in orange from the prison were in back of my truck cleaning the ground. And my two wolf dogs did not even bark. O.K. though.

  2. Thanks for taking time to visit with us. We really enjoyed our time with you and Ben (and even that rascal attack Chicken).
    Hope you're back on two feet again at 100% soon. When we decided to go off grid on our ranch property in N AZ we were heavily influenced by your story and, more importantly, reasons to go for it. Truly a pleasure to meet a like minded soul.
    Carl & Donna
