Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Noticed a couple of days ago that someone had been raiding the chicken feed in the greenhouse.  At first I thought it was the roosters...till I spotted a javelina nearby on Sunday.  Caught him in the act early this morning.  I don't think I will bother building a bigger trap...closing the greenhouse door ought to do the trick.  I don't reckon they are as good at climbing as the racoons were.  80,87,63,0,B


  1. Are grain fed Javelina good to eat?

  2. I saw a huge wild pig over here by the state park and there are some really big ones in Ohio where I rode horses.

  3. I have found that the female javelinas make excellent eating - provided all their scent glands are properly removed - before the skinning process. However, I normally feed the male javelinas to our big Labrador retrievers - because the meat is too strong tasting for enjoyable eating. Unfortunately, determination of their sex is difficult when shooting at a running javelina. Of course - if they have babies running with them - they are females and I don't shoot mother javelinas - if I see that. But I will try to shoot a young javelina instead - because they are the best eating of all.

  4. Smoke them and they taste pretty dang good.

  5. I'm thinking a pig roast is in John's future!

  6. He or she just came by for an early breakfast and didn't want to bother Mr. John considering he is not in the best of physical condition. Pretty nice of the piggie.
