Tuesday, October 13, 2015


the sound they make with their teeth when they are
 annoyed at being chased away...


  1. As long as they are not destructive or violent. Just trying to stay alive.

  2. looks like John is going to need more feed, eh?

  3. AZ Game & Fish recommends: Scare off by making loud noises (bang pots, yell, stomp on the floor, etc.); throwing small rocks in their direction; or spraying with vinegar, water from a garden hose, or large squirt gun filled with diluted household ammonia (1 part ammonia, and 9 parts water). The odor of the ammonia and the nasal irritation it causes will encourage the javelina to leave. Avoid spraying ammonia in the eyes as it may cause damage even at this low concentration. Ammonia should not be used around wetlands because it is toxic to fish and amphibians.

  4. Wonder what they'd do if you invested in a pair of castanets...?

  5. Looks like there might be an entire family around there.

  6. As cute as they are, they couldn't possibly be any trouble.

  7. Those "CLICK AND CLACK" sounds are made by the tusks of javelina. In addition to informing you they are upset and mad at you, they can inflict terrible cuts on their opponents. I.E., don't let your valued bird retriever try to chase and fight them. A well placed 30/30 bullet will silence all the scary noise! I have an old hunting jacket with a shooting patch - which says "JAVELINA SHOOTER"!

  8. In Arkansas we would call em' bacon and more bacon.

  9. Obviously a lot of your readers have never had any encounters with these javelinas. They may "look cute", however a small band can kill a grown man and it is not pretty. They can cause thousands of dollars of damage very quickly, destroy thousands of pounds of feed while only eating a very small bit of it. They are not something you want to be hanging out around your place. They could even do some serious damage to Ben.

  10. We had our RV parked in the Davis Mountains State Park and a bunch of Javelinas invaded the camp sites. They even got to the ice chest on the picnic table under the rv awning of the rv parked behind us. Then a big black bear came up and ran them off and finished off the cooler. Love that park.

  11. Lol. Yes, I was very careful when I had to ride my house near them.
