Monday, November 2, 2015

Monday Meme

I think that most reasonable people agree that war is bad, education is good, and military spending is really high.  That is not what this meme is about.  This is about pounding the latest progressive narrative into the collective education!  1. Nothing is free.  2.  This meme does not present a solution.

Let's do the math: Global military spending per year is approximately 2 trillion dollars...or 44 billion dollars every 8 days.  There are about 150 million 5 year olds in the world so let's provide just that group of children with 12 years of "free","quality" education.  44,000,000,000÷150,000,000÷12=$24.44 per child per year.  I don't think that will work.  BTW - there are in fact 365 little tanks in the meme but 9 are highlighted, not 8.  You would think they could at least get that part right.  68,78,53,0,B


  1. I guess you need to tell Germany that what they've been doing for years can't be done.

    It's a lot cheaper to educate them and have them become productive members of society than to incarcerate them. Of course, they get free education AND healthcare AND food while they're incarcerated. But that really doesn't fit too well with your narrative, John.

    1. We already provide "free" education for about 14 years, along with free lunch and free breakfast and free transportation and free medical for all those who have lived a life of bad decisions. So, what else is it that we need to do for "them" that will keep "them" from being incarcerated?

  2. Sometimes I read a comment and I think to myself, "Dear Lord how does this person tie his shoes in the morning?"

  3. I bet it could be done if they just used the money spent on Halloween candy in one year...

  4. "It's a lot cheaper to educate them and have them become productive members of society than to incarcerate them."

    The District of Columbia is an excellent example of your line of thinking,,,,,,,,,,,,Steve.

    Poor Liberals


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. John, Moe, et al.

    Average annual cost to incarcerate an individual (2011 figures): $28,893.40
    Figures from the Federal Register.

    Average annual cost to educate an individual K-12 (2011-12 figures): $10,667.00
    Figures from the National Center for Education

    Now Moe, I'm sure we could all cite a regionally specific departure from the national average. But if you base your entire silly assumption on that, well, you look kinda stupid, now don't you?

    And your argument was...? Thought so.

    Poor conservatives.



  7. That's funny, S. Cooper. Right now I have been wearing black Mary Jane water shoes with a Velcro strap if I want to use it and not slip them on (like if I have a hole in my sock and want to hide it and not sew it up-life's little problems).

  8. John, I can not understand how you can preach the Bible on Sunday and hate on Monday.

  9. This figure came from the Malala Fund and I believe that it refers to the funding gap between what is currently being done in developing countries vs what the countries can afford to take on themselves- about 14 cents per day per child in countries that cannot provide 12 years of free education for every child. Here is a link:

  10. Mary Rose is right, this report refers to children in developing countries, where education is woefully underfunded. So John I must deem your interpretation a knee-jerk response along the lines of "those people want more free stuff". Should you actually want to peruse the report, whose numbers are fully documented, it's here:

  11. You women and men need to get off John's back - for expressing his opinion. He simply pointed out an error - a bleeding heart liberal tied to deceive you with. At least be honest enough to admit the USA is spending far more money - than it takes in - leaving huge deficits for our children and grandchildren to pay! Let's see, Hillary C. and Bernie S. propose even more free everything. Ask them who will pay for this? They will tell you - they will tax the rich - but there are far too few rich to carry the load of every one with their hand out. Therefore - look for increased federal deficits and INCREASED TAXES ON THE MIDDLE CLASS. OR VOTE REPUBLICAN!

  12. When I'm ready to endure another recession or war in the Middle East, I'll vote Republican.

  13. Damn I need to get me a better bible because in the one I have they left out the part about "except poor people who made bad decisions".

    But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.” (Luke 14:13-14)

    Or maybe the publisher of my bible was just a Republican.


  14. When people are THIS stirred up, you know you're doing something right.

  15. I'm not sure which side is correct. I just want to know what search phrase to put into Google to verify that there are 150 million 5 year olds in the world. I thought my search skills were pretty good, but I'm having no luck verifying that figure.

  16. Education is not some valuable commodity to be hoarded and doled out to those who can pay for it. As a policy for a country to follow, a quality education should be available to all. The more obstacles in the way of students getting an education, the dumber and more ignorant we become, and the less able to compete with an increasingly developed world. Students today who don't happen to be financially well-off are leaving college with huge loads of debt that will shadow them for the rest of their lives. This is insane for a country- it's like eating our seed corn. It also cements in place a permanent underclass and a permanent overclass. This is not the American Dream.

  17. Mr Mahan, again, this is the marketplace of ideas. Everybody's got an opinion, and everyone else is welcome to take (civil) potshots at it. What survives has been tested and made better by its exposure to others' opinions.

    Kind of like The Scientific Method- mankind advances by adopting what has survived testing and criticism, and has been found to work. It's evolutionary, actually.

  18. Steve commented at the top and compared Germany to Johns statement. Steve said, "I guess you need to tell Germany that what they've been doing for years can't be done."
    What is the reality for Germany today? They about to enter a civil war because their elected officials believe that multiculturalism will work. Soon they'll learn differently and all that "money spent" on "free" education will amount to nothing because they didn't spend enough for national defense. I might be wrong, but the odds are I'll be right.
    And yes, this is just my opinion.

  19. Germany Civil War? Not likely. Their economy is so strong they are the banker for the European Union. There automotive technology continues to lead innovation (including creative ways to beat emissions testing by VW). Germany is not allowed to have a large military since that little problem in the 40's.
