Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday Meme

To be honest, I don't really care if Starbucks only goes with red cups this "holiday season".  It doesn't matter at all if there is no santa or snowflakes...and they never put a manger scene on their cups anyway.  However, I do have an issue with their drink size names.  There happens to be a Starbucks on the ground floor of the medical building I go to for my monthly surgeon visits.  Nothing beats a positive prognosis more than a mocha frappuchino to sip on during the long drive home - but I refuse to order the size I want by the names they use (I feel bad enough just saying I want a Mocha Frappuccino).  I always ask for a large and when they question my choice, I say "super sized".  If you really think Christians are outraged by simple red cups...think again.  66,72,50,0,B


  1. I use 'small, medium & large' too, they usually look at me & hold up an empty cup till we get it right.
    Odd odd odd is all I can say about society that goes along with this. I don't even want to get into soda pop sizes at the fast food fat&sugar places....

  2. If you get upset because a coffee shop isn't commercializing Christ's birth then you're doing something wrong.

  3. The whole issue is the BS religious hypocrites who want to raise a stink about red cups but do shit for their neighbors on the breadlines, in crisis, or instead of fighting choice do squat about the children without homes

  4. @Peter – I totally agree.

    How can the Christians worship a homeless man on Sunday, and ignore or denigrate one on Monday?

    The Census Bureau data shows that 16.4 million children in the United States (22 percent of all children) live in poverty. More than 6 million of those children are under the age of six. (figures are from 2011 census)

    I guess if we go with the conservative line of thinking, those kids just need to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps and stop looking for handouts."

    Apparently in some circles of thought, the right to life begins at conception, and ends at birth.

  5. I no longer support Starbucks with my money because they do not support anything American like our troops. They are just about making money on the burnt crapola they sell.

  6. The size thing at Starbucks is pretentious. In-n-Out is worse though. They expect you to use code words and Cali phrases to get what you want. Went once, never again. I can got to Whataburger or DQ to order a hamburger using plain English.

  7. Yes, I remember when Starbucks first started in the University area of Seattle. It was a real yuppie status thing to be seen sitting at an outdoor table at Starbucks. And now it is here too, years later, for the younger crowd in San Antonio.

  8. If I must use a foreign tongue to place a common order it will be Chinese.

  9. I went to Starbucks in San Marcos, TX, the fastest growing city in the U.S. There were college students there and some hanger owners and a police officer now and then. It was the usual pseudo-intellectual with the same ole line of thinking with the occasional middle-aged person with a book and not a computer like the younger student. I'm not supposed to drink much coffee because it could cause a heart attack for me according to 23 & Me DNA testing (but 30 cups could cause one for anyone). I like coffee and enjoy a good cup rather rarely from Starbucks. Starbucks in San Marcos is by the big shopping outlet and I very rarely go there. Theft is up there too with all the bus loads of shoppers and world shoppers who go there too.

  10. "The absence of snowflakes on the cups 'denies the hope of Jesus,' one woman claims."

    It's interesting what rises to the top on a Slow News Day

  11. Starbucks is living proof that some people have more CENTS than sense !

  12. We do have that marvelous thing called FREEDOM OF CHOICE here in America. If we don't like how a coffee shop celebrates Christmas, or describes their coffee cup size - we have many other coffee places to spend our cash. GOD BLESS AMERICA! And screw political correctness!

  13. Yes, rj, I thought about mentioning that I miss snowflakes (on whatever cups they were on).

  14. Donald Trump mentioned that Starbucks is not going to be in his tower any longer. But that he really is not concerned with them.

  15. Anyway red cups are a blank canvas and we can pen in our own art, n'est pas?

  16. Hey Steve. - Religious people & conservatives do not blame the kids. But they certainly blame the parents - who do not stay together to raise their children properly. Hunger, crime, poverty, lack of education, etc., are all increased without both parents raising their children. Hillary C. says it takes "a whole village to raise a child"! Guess that should include at least two parents?

  17. You don't like saying "tall"? Must be a size thing.

    My annoyance is this blog page always opening at the "bottom" of the comment page so I have to scroll "up" to start reading in order.

  18. How awful! Scrolling back to the first post must waste a couple of seconds!

  19. I am a very frugal person who cooks, eats and drinks at home. This way we have high quality food at a much lower price. If we go to town, we fill up our own containers and drink our water or other home made beverage.

    We do grind up organic coffee beans and make our own coffee in a french press every morning and it is delicious. I sometimes add cardamom and other spices. The internet has many great coffee recipes.

    So . . . we are out of the loop and Starbucks can put their coffee in any container they want. They are certainly overpriced.
