Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Austinians at TFL

Bryan and Jenny came for a visit bearing gifts...48,61,32,0,C  


  1. It seems that your companion is happy to have company. What thoughtful gifts too.

  2. holy cow - did Ben shovel all that snow or was it just a desert mirage?

  3. I just saw the conclusion of Badlands Texas on the National Geographic Channel. Just the scenery is worth watching it. That's a handsome, sharp sheriff you have there-and pleasant too. Oh, maybe that was inappropriate to say that. When I was young, I worked at the Chamber of Commerce in San Angelo--oh the stories. We had The Miss Wool Contest and many rich ranchers attended (but I was married).

  4. Started to think of yourself as a Desert Father (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desert_Fathers) yet? Went to the desert. Lived in solitude. Found God.

    Seems obligatory for people to bring you alms. I did . . . and it seemed obvious and natural.

    Carry on this New Year! Onward! Inward.

    Glad I can still check in on you out there alone.

    Your leg is still in my prayers!

  5. Those are some excellent gifts!
