Thursday, January 14, 2016

State of the Leg Address

Still walking with a cane.  Doing a mile a day now to build up my girly muscles after a year off.  Chupa, Frank, and Manny are my physical therapists. They follow me on my 4 daily walks. FYI - I won 8 bucks in the lottery.  Don't bother asking for a loan...I have already given it all away.  58,69,36,0,B


  1. Those are some very handsome buddies! Don't forget your calcium pills.

  2. How lucky you can be walking. Four miles a day & 3 roosters. I go Monday to be released from the dregs of the 3 broken bones in my left shoulder. I realize every day how fortunate I am not only to survive the fall, but how little I've had to be better, not that this road to recover was easy, but I keep in mind how worse the injuries could have been. Bless you.. I've thought how much you have been on your own & difficulties you have endured.

  3. Ronda,
    Since I don't know your address here is a blessing for you from a half breed NA/Indian

    As I walk, as I walk

    The universe is walking with me

    In beauty it walks before me

    In beauty it walks behind me

    In beauty it walks below me

    In beauty it walks above me

    Beauty is on every side

    As I walk, I walk with Beauty.

    Traditional Navajo Prayer, Wado
    William Two Hawks - Cherokee Band of Blue Potato/Panther Clan

  4. Glad your recovery is "stepping right along"!

  5. It is really great to see you giving those three fine looking roosters such a tough daily workout! When younger, my grandfather's roosters, used to chase me out of their pen every time I entered (trying to catch one of their young female chickens)!
