Saturday, February 6, 2016

clean sweep

Been slowly picking away inside the greenhouse for the past month trying to clear it out.  Rick came out today to help with the final sweepdown on the first half.  Over the years, mice have managed to move 2 wheelbarrow loads of sand out from under the pavers.   51,64,32,0,C


  1. Good looking results. While living in Missouri, wife and I used sand as base under paver walk ways in the garden. Rodent like moles kept one busy as they moved sand from under pavers. Never thought about rats being that way.

  2. Have considered berming outside of greenhouse to stabilize temperature? I think it would help.

  3. Nothing like a good clean out to give one clarity - and thinking space :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. An empty space is full of potential.

  6. Good for you. I see perseverance pays off. It looks really good.

  7. Great comment Sam and Dani. The milk dish the critter grabbed under my shed was found yesterday by my young lab after holes were dug under the shed. Se ran round and round the house with her prize in her mouth before she dropped it. Just as Jeff said, beaming stabilizes temperatures, because I had rock put around the bottom of my house and it is so much better.

  8. That looks fantastic, but I bet it feels even better to have all that cleared out! Looking forward to seeing some new projects from you soon.

  9. probably be ugly to ask if the shipping containers are also as neat looking, eh?

  10. Wow!! Great job. You can be proud of yourself!!!
