Friday, February 12, 2016

east end shuffle

The goal this weekend is to organize the east end of the greenhouse.  Picked up a few items at Home Depot to help put things in their place.  69,79,43,0,C


  1. Pretty ambitious. This project should keep you moving . . .

  2. I'd be curious - would cutting windows in the shipping containers for living in - have any advantages over current place?.. easier to eat, cool.. place for solar hot water shower, perhaps place for other running water... probably dumb idea but thought I'd ask

  3. Larry G...not dumb at all - that was the original plan from day 1 and it's still on the list. The advantage is I will have 32 more sq ft of living space in one of the containers.

  4. Great to hear that your leg is healing John. I stumbled across the Kirsten Dirkson piece on youtube just over a month ago which led me to your blog. I consumed all 7 years of it (in chronological sequence) within a week of that. It is amazing what you have accomplished out there. I spoke recently with Kathleen Ryan (daughter of Frank X. Tolbert of chili cookoff fame) and she mentioned that she and Paul had visited your place some time back. Would love to do that myself someday.

  5. Have you ever thought of using a rocket stove to keep the greenhouse warm in the winter? Only real issue would be wood.
