Thursday, March 24, 2016

some assembly required

Woke up this morning to the sounds of a Toxostoma curvirostre on the greenhouse roof.  Been 6 years since I have noticed one coming in for a visit.  Been planning the rack for my additional solar panels.  I'm not quite up to chopping another hole in the rock so I am just going to build a really heavy rack that won't flip over in the wind.  Got some free steel from Stilt House Ben to do the job.  69,76,51,0,B


  1. sounds like you're getting back in that g-r-o-o-v-e!


  2. Looks like that rooster is checking out the steel? Might be something that would create more shade - and attract something good to eat?

  3. Time to find a younger helper. You both would benefit and you get it done three times faster.

  4. Thrashers are in the mockingbird family - great songsters. This was one of the first birds I started noticing as a youngster. (The Brown Thrasher is the state bird of Georgia.)

  5. TY Pamit. Probably around here. There are Mockingbirds here and lots of other bright pretty birds who sing.

  6. Hmmm, free steel. Sounds like a pretty good deal. I'm close to needing some W and C purlin myself. It nice to have a generous benefactor.

  7. Hmmm, free steel. Sounds like a pretty good deal. I'm close to needing some W and C purlin myself. It nice to have a generous benefactor.
