Friday, March 18, 2016


...some of my tanks are a little thirsty...77,88,55,0,B


  1. For some reason, my old hard drive kicked in because of your post. About 1955 while driving in west Texas with my aunt and uncle, the Sons of the Pioneers song Cool Water came on the radio. It is remembered because it was a great adventure away from mom and dad for a 10 year old. It is one of those songs that keeps playing in my mind.

  2. In about 1950 - two Boy Scout troops from Tomball, Texas took a trip from Tomball to Carlsbad, New Mexico. The Tomball school loaned us an unused school bus - because the bus was not being used in the summer - when school was out. This was a marvelous adventure for all the Scouts. And one never to be forgotten by this 14 year Scout! Most of our trip west was done using old Highway 90 - because Interstate 10 had not yet been built! Each night we camped out - sleeping on the ground for about a week of driving to Carlsbad - and back to Tomball. Our stops were at New Braundfels, Del Rio, (with a side trip into Old Mexico), the Boy Scout Campground north of Fort Davis , several days at Carlsbad, and then stops at a cattle ranch, and at Barton Springs near Austin - on the return trip. There was no air conditioning on that old bus - nor anywhere else on that trip - but we never noticed the West Texas summertime heat - because we were having so much fun. Support your local Scout troops - because they do great work in educating the young boys & girls - that are not addressed by our schools.
