Wednesday, April 6, 2016

pole 3

Ready for the parking meters soon...although there might be a delay since my friend Bob Vandervliet dropped off some Virginia Peach Moonshine this afternoon.  76,85,60,0,B


  1. Margery, it varies widely depending on what it is made from.

  2. ohhhhh. Remember that helicopter ride!!!! Be careful.

  3. Cheers to your blog John! It's been a great 9 years following your blog and then following you to Terlingua. It's changed my life.

  4. Margery Bills, Moonshine can be a neutral spirit. A amateur batch of moonshine is not much different than cheap liquor and rubbing alcohol with a hint of corn. It is why normally you add a flavor as in the case "Peaches" or re distill multiple times which will will make it smoother.

  5. Well, I had a shocking evening. My Weimarainer dog dug a hole under the edge of a dog house. I pushed the earth back in the hole with my hand. Then I lifted up the dog house to see what she was after. Exclamations! There was a big pile of many big slithering snakes. So I dropped the dog house down and I went in the house and read about green and brown snakes and what to do. Later I went back out and turned the dog house over. Gone. No snakes there. They must have been having a mating frenzy. I never saw that many in one place and that big. They must be non venimous garter snakes. And I was not drinking moonshine either.

  6. Margery -- Yesterday we went to our dairy to pick up milk and saw two gorgeous dogs. I was told they were Weimaraners and they had some puppies. They were asking $600 each and said they are bringing in $1000 in Dallas. Guess we will "adopt" a stray some day instead.

    Glad to hear your snakes slithered off somewhere else.
