Sunday, May 15, 2016

big bang

I don't know why people try to explain the creation of the earth and the existence of God in "intellectual" terms when it is as simple as accepting Christ as your savior and witnessing the change that happens in your life and noticing how sin is recognized for what it is and has less influence over you.  It is fruitless to try to do it scientifically because that debate will never end with a clear winner.  


  1. Yep. I know. I got a D- from an 83 year old lady religion professor in a religious Ivy League college. Since my dad worked on the space, I compared religion to science. Wrong.

  2. Space program- sorry. Too many dogs crawling over me.

  3. Talking about space, this whole political thing is messed up. I have had too much time and got too involved. What scares me is what the media said about one of the people on Trump's short list of V.P.'s. This is a nightmare. A real circus of ranting clowns. Maybe Sanders who never filed a tax return until he was 40 would be better.

  4. Margery, do not listen to the media. Trump is better than any other choice. Sanders is for a socialist country andthat will destroy us.

  5. Everything is so simple to understand when you know Christ.

  6. I have a little trouble wrapping my head around Donald Trump's lifestyle and luxurious living --- but he earned it fair and square.

  7. I use to marvel in the 80's at all the fine r.v.'s in the parking lot of Disney World when I worked there briefly and wondered where all these people came from. They spent so much money and looked so miserable.

  8. I'm happy with the interesting life I have had. Yes, God provides.

  9. "It is fruitless to try to do it scientifically because that debate will never end with a clear winner." That statement is only true if you reject the factual evidence in favor of a belief in what you *want* to be fact.

  10. Belief. When I was 9 I woke screaming because I was falling off planet earth into infinite infinity. Just free falling in semi-dark space forever. Where does it end? Never. There has to be more or something. Too big for me to understand so I call on God.

  11. If we just rolled over and "accepted" then we'd still be laboring under the early church's assertion that the earth was the center of the universe and everything else revolved around it.

    If there is no correlation between science and God isn't it funny that studies indicate that scientists believe in God at a higher rate than the general population?

  12. Any study that came to that conclusion would have to use the loosest definition of "scientist" and scientific methodology. You can choose to believe that if you wish.

  13. Yep, I'll just bury my head in the sand and ignore facts, after all, why should I be any different than the rest of the righteous

  14. "when it is as simple as accepting Christ as your savior and witnessing the change that happens in your life and noticing how sin is recognized for what it is and has less influence over you."

    The change you are experiencing is likely attributable to the placebo effect – an effect well proven in randomized, double-blind clinical trials. If you truly "believe," then you are predisposed to find what you are looking for, real or imagined. The brain is an incredible organ that we are only now beginning to understand. Each to his own, I guess.

  15. "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness;
    but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."
    (1 Corinthians 1:18)

  16. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
    that whosoever believeth in him should not perish,
    but have everlasting life."
    (John 3:16)

  17. "For the preaching of the cross is to us utter fantasy;
    But unto those whose faith lies in understanding and knowledge,
    ye shall have a better and fruitful life."
    (Majority 5:17:16)
