Monday, May 2, 2016


Spent the day with a friend who needed to go to the emergency room at the hospital in Alpine.  Found it to be much more pleasant than my last trip to an ER.  68,74,47,0,B


  1. glad it wasn't one of the bunnies… ;)

  2. Sure hope your friend is OK. Gotta be good neighbors out there.

  3. this would be a trip to the emergency room - or worse - it would just be a question of when…
    you do have that large open area…

  4. remmij...that monstrosity is a leg chopper deluxe!

  5. …agreed… like a floating wood chipper/garbage disposal/inflictor of gross rotary pain… can you imagine a fuel disruption in that?
    …on the other hand, this might be the way to go… if one had the $$$$$$$$$$
    and it would look good next to that future Tesla truck? and keeps with the white transportation palette scheme you have going…
    although, a snazzy vinyl wrap of Ben – the flyin' longhorn – might look good… (see flying monkey example below)
    how's your German?
    Flying Monkey in Salzburg (alas, no longer in that livery)

  6. Nothing beats a powered paramotor for personal flight... under 10 grand, safe, and easy to fly with proper training.
