Monday, May 23, 2016


Took forever to get the go kart to start up again.  First I had the lines switched that went to the vaccume petcock then I got a little impatient and flooded it all the way into the air intake.  Since it was obvious it was getting plenty of petrol now, I knew to check for spark and air. Put in a brand new spark plug since I found one in the tool kit for the kart (nice when thinking ahead pays off - I bought 2 sparkplugs the last time I replaced one).  Removed all the air intake parts, drained out the gas, and let them bake in the sun to dry them out.  Popped it all back on and it started right up with barely a turn of the key.  89,99,70,0,B


  1. 99˚ would bake a lot of things… set the gap too?

  2. Yes I have to get extra spark plugs for the lawnmower too. Have to check that out one of these days.

  3. If the electrodes are not actually worn you can restore cruddy plugs using a propane torch.

  4. Well, Gul darn it, it's still wet outside and no mowing now. (Thank goodness)
