Tuesday, May 10, 2016

peaceable kingdom



  1. I love wabbit Tuesday, really cool photo...

  2. John, Looking into PPG... was your experience good with Capt Kurt? Was his training enough and how many hrs did he spend with you... read a few bad reviews on him... should I look somewhere else?

  3. Kurt will get you in the air no problem and he makes the experience enjoyable. But because I had him come to me, I only had 3 days with him and the weather only allowed me 4 flights and very little kiting time. You would be better off going to him so you can get more training time in. If you go with Kurt, do yourself a favor and read the Power Paragliding Bible cover to cover a couple of times first. Kurt won't suggest it but it really covers everything you should know in advance. I like my Fresh Breeze but it is a bit on the heavy side and I find the separate harness set-up to be awkward. I just ordered the Fresh Breeze Wingman CB (comfort bar) harness that attaches directly to the motor like all the other paramotors out there. You can request that if you order from Kurt...but he never offered me the option when I ordered my equipment. Also - Fresh Breeze really needs to publish a complete printed manual in real English for their equipment. All they have now are poorly translated PDF's available only online through their German website. If you are a big guy and plan on training with a quad or trike, I would avoid Kurt's over-priced FlyPod trike. If you are a small guy (under 175 lbs), there are lighter motor options out there that have plenty of power and are just as reliable as Fresh Breeze (if you treat them right). Overall I was pleased with my experience and I like Kurt but if you really want to be part of the PPG community and plan on attending USPPA sponsored fly-ins, you will have to pay for USPPA certified training to get a rating. Kurt is not a fan of the system but the training is very comprehensive and I think if you start off with more training you will be a better pilot in the long run. No offense to Kurt...but I am actually considering going to Blackhawk to experience their full syllabus USPPA training to see first hand if it really helps.
