Tuesday, May 17, 2016

thief in the night

Frank entered the food chain a couple of nights ago.  I think a coyote snatched him off my porch.  All that was left was a small pile of feathers by the greenhouse.  I heard a brief commotion at 4:30 in the morning but by the time I got outside there was nothing to see or hear.  The really weird part about it all is the dream I had after I went back to sleep.  I dreamt that Chupa had his leg torn off by something and it was still hopping around next to him.  In my dream I told people. "Look - there's Chupa, and there's Chupa's leg."  It was hopping around right next to him, pecking at the ground.  That was probably deep down in my brain because of this story.  RIP Frank...you were a good egg.  86,90,60,0,C


  1. the irregular polygon of life… Frank had a tough exit after his ostracization…
    Dennis Hoppers should take note… overall, Frank had a good run with you…
    Mike is/was a public figure… wonder if he should be meeting with Zuckerberg?

  2. Gosh, just a bad news kindda day. Emilio Navaira, Guy Clark and now Frank. My condolences John.

  3. Several years ago I put a parakeet cage on top of my van because the house was so hot. I forgot it. The next morning there were green feathers down the driveway. No bird. How sad. It looked like he had put up a good fight, but perhaps did not get away.

  4. I just watched a utube Biblical prophesy that in 3-4 mos. the power grid will go down from an emp. I certainly hope not.

  5. The other night I dreamed I was in a sleezy carry out store with drinking and bad behavior. Then I woke up and realized I had been in Hell.

  6. The rain and large hail and flooding and lightning and thunder has hit here a few hours ago and has been steady. There were pictures on the news of broken windows, a house burning with big flames in New Braunfels, etc. I don't know what I will see outside in the morning. 15,000 people lost power around San Antonio, traffic was stopped, etc.
