Monday, June 27, 2016


Listened to this story from NPR's Radio Lab this weekend and found it very revealing in our perception of the world - or as they phrased it, "random acts from an indifferent universe".  When you look at the big picture without focusing in too tight on your own selfish experience with a tendency to only acknowledge selective details, "real randomness when you see it just doesn't feel random enough".  Selective information only dissolves the real truth - be it the examination of chance events...or the news you are fed.  When taking into consideration a broader context, "What feels spooky and almost twilight zonish in the moment is really not that improbable.  What can feel so special in the moment is not so odd in its' real context."  80,89,72,0,B


  1. Wonderful programs. I used to listen to that station years ago and liked it. Takes me back.

  2. "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered."
    (Matthew 10:30)

  3. Talk about coincidence or not, there is an older woman (near my age) here in Texas from Oklahoma who looks and is very much like Elizabeth Warren, supposedly Indian from Oklahoma. She said she is Cherokee (which she is) and in that area in Oklahoma when she was young she was always known as the prettiest Cherokee. I have not seen her since she married an even older, sick man with money and they went to Greece on a honeymoon. To be honest, I was very devastated when I learned the flip side of all the bad things she did after portraying herself in a better light (so I imagine chemicals chould have had something to do with that). Probably Elizabeth Warren is a relative.
