Sunday, June 5, 2016

no more crosses...

Even as a Christian, I don't understand why the Brewster County Sheriff's office decided to start putting crosses on their vehicles.  I knew from day one that was not gonna fly.  It was only a matter of time before atheists would file and win a lawsuit.  The only part of this whole deal that I find really sad is that the author of this story about the cross debacle (posted on an atheist website) is by the same person that wrote a book called Parenting Without God: How to Raise Moral, Ethical, Intelligent Children, Free from Religious Dogma.  Teach your children self help book will free you from the consequences of denying God.  Christ has always been and forever will be the only hope for this world.

Jude 1:4For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Matthew 10:33But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.


  1. I spent most of the day answering surveys for research for 23 and me DNA testing and also relating to living longer. Some family members were in the 3% of centenarians. But we were all God fearing people. God blessed and looked after us in our belief.

  2. I have never understand WHY a Cross offends an atheist. Since they do not believe in any higher being, the cross should represent nothing but just a cross to them (no Religious meaning) They aren't offended by a cross. They just want to deny a Christian from worshiping our God. WHY WOULD THAT UPSET ANYONE THAT DOESN'T BELIEVE IN GOD. THE REAL REASON IS THAT THEY WANT TO PUSH THEIR AGENDA ON EVERYONE ELSE.

  3. rondeb, the Cross doesn't offend me at all. I just don't want tax money spent on *any* religious whatnot. Currently religious organizations get a tax break (which I'm not crazy about) but that should be enough. Let's don't put crosses, creches, crescents, Stars of David, or any such symbol in our public domain. When did such a simple concept get so hard?

    I'll answer my own question: when that O'Reilly fellow declared that there was a "War on Christmas" ("Culture War", there's another dog-whistle incitement); when conservative bashers put out the lie that Obama is Muslim; and when lemming-folk bought it.

  4. Well said, pamit. A religious symbol of ANY religion on government property is tacit approval and encouragement of that religion. And to rub it in, taxpayers foot the bill!


    Keep 'em separate!

  5. Do people not understand that this Country was founded on Christian beliefs. Religion has been in our Government since it's concept. Just because some want it out does not make it right. Religious freedom does not stop at the Governments door.

  6. If a cross was painted on all Government vehicles by a generous private benefactor, you would still want it off. It has nothing to do with cost by the government. Crosses have been erected by private dollars on government property at absolutely no cost to the government or the people, and yet lawsuits are filed to remove it.

  7. You are absolutely correct! As I said, "A religious symbol of ANY religion on government property is tacit approval and encouragement of that religion." Even if it's not taxpayer funded.

  8. rondeb -regarding your thoughts on how the US was founded, you need to read more history and less religious dogma.

  9. I am very aware of how and why and what this Country stood for when it was founded. My grandfather 8 times removed is Richard Stockton, signer of the Dec. of Independence. Trust me all those men were God fearing men. Why anyone doesn't want another person or entity to worship God is beyond my comprehension. If you don't want to recognize God, then so be it, but why you insist no one else does is hypocritical. You want the right to not worship, so anyone else, even a Government official should be allowed to worship God. It has absolutely NO impact in your life.

  10. rondeb, many of the framers were not Christian. Look it up. And who is saying Government officials should not be allowed to worship however they please? A little less "righteous" indignation would serve you well to make your case. Just sayin'.

  11. I have no doubt that many, perhaps most, of the signatories were "God fearing men". It was, and still is, the right of every citizen to believe or not believe according to their own wishes. What a PERSON believes is personal and sovereign. However, the government of ALL CITIZENS can not be allowed to give even the appearance of favoritism to any school of religious thought. To do so makes a mockery of the very idea that all citizens are equal.

  12. pamit, you snuck that in while I was composing my reply!

  13. By the way, I'm curious, rondeb...How does your "grandfather 8 times removed, signer of the Dec. of Independence" impart special wisdom to you that "all those men were God fearing men."?

  14. Rondeb, your comment is proof of the problem. Your belief makes you feel superior to nonbelievers. In the eyes of a believer we are not all equal. You must "help" us with incantations. For a private citizen, that's no big deal....but we must not allow the government to marginalize nonbelieving citizens.
