Thursday, July 21, 2016

angel in disguise...

Ran down to the Cottonwood store today for some weekend goodies and crossed paths for the first time since my accident with one of the EMT angels that came to my rescue.  Malynda Richardson was in charge of patching me up for transport - she was the one with the purple glove.  She had an interesting tidbit about the work they did on me.  She said ordinarily the procedure is to remove all foreign objects from a wound but when they tried to get a chunk of my sock out of my boo boo, I started to bleed quite a bit so they left it in.  It may very well have kept me from bleeding out before they even got to me.  Anyway - it was good to finally see her again under better circumstances so I could thank her.  We chatted about my accident at the store but then I decided I needed a photo so I drove over to their headquarters to get a quick picture with my tablet computer.  89.97,77,0,B


  1. God bless rescue angels every one of them are a blessing!

  2. And how are you actually doing today? Totally back to normal-no limp, strength, good movement, feeling good?
