Saturday, July 30, 2016

sedentary II...

One month later - 10 lbs gone - 15 lbs to go.  The secret?  A little more exercise and no more cookies for desert.  Magic.  BTW - got the pump to fire up today...only needed 10 more pulls on the starter cord to get the fresh gas flowing.  86,92,73,0,B


  1. You got this, should be a piece of cake.

  2. Good Job loosing weight! Now these days I drink a lot of water, stopped drinking any soda, "pop" BUT I haven't cured the need for carbonated ...luckily I've found substitutes ... But after 8 months they are less desirable also.

  3. I recommend walking as much as possible when your foot allows it.

  4. Well done and well begun. So few even attempt full recovery following an injury like yours. Proud of you.

    Also, since we've moved from the Texas Gulf Coast to the Arizona high desert in Sulphur Springs Valley, we've got the air ambulance on the priority list of purchases (enrollments.) Thanks for posting about that and your experience with them.
