Tuesday, August 16, 2016

half spin

Did a little work on the go kart this afternoon.  Decided to take it for a test spin over to Jim's campsite for cocktails.  Started right up after about an hour of beer and bull then conked out before I got 100 yards.  Seems the vacuum line could use a replacement hose now - it wasn't sucking gas out of the petcock and by the time I figured that out, I had run the battery down trying to get it restarted.  The rule still holds until I get all the kinks worked out - never drive it farther that you are willing to walk home. (Grammar note: I wasn't sure about the difference between further and farther so I looked it up - in the US, farther is more often used to refer to physical distances and further more often refers to figurative and non physical distances.)  Good news is I was only a half mile from home and I can use the exercise.  Will head back on my morning walk with jumper cables so Jim can get me started.  Other than that, I had no further issues with the day.  84,90,67,0,B