Monday, August 29, 2016

tooth be gone...

Flawless extraction enhanced with nitrous oxide.


  1. I'am so happy your all done with that painful tooth. I think the picture says, blissfully happy!

  2. :-) Good picture. Wow, you lost a little on the top over the last few years. It's in the genes, I hear. (My former husband had lost on top by age 21, seems to never have phased him). Anyway that poison will be out of your system. Will be healed soon.

  3. Once I complained about an I.D. Picture and a man said, well they just photograph with what they have (o something to that effect).

  4. I think you are looking great, except for the strange looking nose. . .

  5. real men use novocaine though... tweak tweak. ;-)

    congrats.. I bet you're glad to have that in the rear view mirror...

  6. The post-it on the tank says "Empty!". Was it just a placebo effect? :)

  7. It was explained to me that your scanning camera takes a broader overall picture and the cardboard bites takes a closer more precise picture. My dentist has both as your dentist probably does too. Actually it is more complicated than that.

  8. Yeah the tag on the tank says empty?
    I have had 3 teeth extracted plus a root canal. Drained my funds but no more tooth pain.

  9. better do a dental clean , it smells bad, man
